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2015 March 19

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КаталогОбразовательный портал Как узнать результаты егэ Стихи про летний лагерь 3агадки для детей
Образовательный портал Как узнать результаты егэ Стихи про летний лагерь 3агадки для детей
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March 19 New smart phone accessory can detect HIV and syphilis in 15 minutes
Smartphones are becoming increasingly popular for healthcare diagnostics, and because of their small size and decreasing cost they are being developed as diagnostic tools in developing countries. As the race continues to make even more cost effective and efficient accessories, a group at Columbia University has developed an immunoassay accessory, or dongle, that is powered by a smartphone. The dongle is the first of its kind to function as an ELISA to detect HIV and the presence of both treponemal-specific and non-treponemal antibodies for syphilis. With just a fingerprick, a positive or negative result can be provided in only 15 minutes. [Laksanasopin et al. A smartphone dongle for diagnosis of infectious diseases at the point of care. Science Translational Medicine. 2015; 7(273): 1-9. DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aaa0056]
June 15 На учёте с ВИЧ-инфекцией официально состоят 3% российских мужчин в возрасте от 30 до 35 лет, сообщил директор Федерального центра СПИД академик Вадим Покровский. Он уточнил, что среди заражённых вирусом иммунодефицита в России наркоманы составляют 52-55%, 40-42% – гетеросексуалы, которые не употребляют наркотики, и только 1-2% – гомосексуалисты, передаёт rusnovosti.ru. В мае главный специалист Минздрава по борьбе с ВИЧ Евгений Воронин сообщил, что в России живут 742 тысячи ВИЧ-инфицированных, 7 тысяч из них – дети. При этом он отметил, что продолжительность жизни больных СПИДом за последние годы существенно выросла, так же, как и уровень их жизни. «Если в начале 90-х продолжительность жизни людей с ВИЧ составлял 5-8 лет, то сегодня человек с таким диагнозом, получающий антиретровирусную терапию, может жить столько же, сколько человек без ВИЧ-инфекции. И если в 97-м году ребёнок с инфекцией ежедневно должен был принимать по 30 таблеток, запивая их двумя литрами воды, то сегодня это только 2-3 таблетки. 8 лет назад отказной ребенок с ВИЧ-инфекцией не мог попасть в приёмную семью, а сейчас из 100 отказных детей, которые прошли обследование в нашем центре, 80 взяли в приёмные семьи», – рассказал Воронин. [https://strf.ru/material.aspx?CatalogId=222&d_no=98274#.VX8-51J9GLI]


Sep 30 Terry Michael AIDS War. Profiteering with PrEp.
Oct 28 Vote Democrat in 2014: An Election About Nothing


Aug Penile Measurements in Tanzanian Males: Guiding Circumcision Device Design &Supply Forecasting; J. Urology 190, 544–50
Oct 13 Gos Blank, (Charles Rich), passed away Sunday afternoon in Houston, Texas. Gos was an outspoken critic of the HIV=AIDS paradigm. He was a moderator for the Forums at Questioning AIDS, as well as the Rethinking AIDS Facebook Page. He was a musician and led the band, Nero's Opening Act. In the event of his death, it was Gos' wish to be autopsied for cause of death, as well as to gather any other information that might help explain his lifetime of health problems. Unfortunately, Gos was not a rich man, despite his last name, so his friends are raising the money to help his wife Lisa honor this wish. Thank you everyone for your generous donations! We have hit $1,120. We are almost able to fully pay for the autopsy with these donations. Anything extra will go to cremation and the memorial/party. Yes, it will be a party. That is what my husband wanted and that is what he will get. [https://www.gofundme.com/4rz46w] Results from the autopsy will be made public.

Nov 08 Official release of the orthodox documentary "How To Survive A Plague"(UK)

Nov 30 Medical science...or vaccine propaganda? by Terry Michael at https://www.terrymichael.net/

Dec 03 President Obama Signs Reauthorization of PEPFAR-3 (2014-18)

Dec 08 Last snapshoot of Terry Michael Centre at webarchive and the previous one’ 2012 are almost identical! Mexicans and Medicine: A Grand Bargain? by Terry Michael at https://www.terrymichael.net

Crawford, D.H. The Virus Hunt. OUP 2013. 272 pp. [orthodox]


Jan The peer-reviewed Italian J. of Anatomy and Embryology has published a paper refuting Harvard "study": AIDS since 1984: No evidence for a new, viral epidemic - not even in Africa, by Duesberg, P. Mandrioli, D., McCormack, A., Nicholson, J.M. Rasnick, D., Fiala, C., Koehnlein, C., Bauer, H.H., and Ruggiero, M. https://www.nature.com/news/paper-denying-hiv-aids-link-sparks-resignation-1.9926

Feb 27 Фед центр СПИД. Россия опередила Африку по печальному показателю https://www.vir-academy.ru/press_reliz/one/23/

March 9 Premier of I won't go quietly. One of the protagonists of the documentary, Tamara, was killed at home (Russia) on March 9th, 2012

March 14 The cable of 2009-12-16 WikiLeaked from H. Clinton Office was posted by Celia Farber on her blog.

https://truthbarrier.com/2012/03/14/wikileaks-cable-us-gov-ceases-hiv-testing-visa-applicants-and-calls-hiv-infection-not-a-communicable-disease-that-is-of-significant-public-health-risk/https://forums.questioningaids.com/showthread.php?t=8014 || https://www.omsj.org/issues/hiv-not-a-significant-risk
At least at the above 3 dissident sites no-one was aware about change in HIV-AIDS status! "The Body", pro-gay magazine sponsored by Pharma, however, saluted this progressive move in real time
https://www.thebody.com/content/art52530.html https://www.cabledrum.net/

March 24 Free Screening of ‘Positively False’ (Shenton) in Bermondsey, UK

March 27 Antiretroviral (ARV) therapy is now recommended for all U.S. residents living with HIV, according to revised HIV treatment guidelines released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. https://www.poz.com/articles/hiv_treatment_guidelines_761_22162.shtml

April 15 Maria Papagiannidou died: Pulmonary embolism and thrombosis.

April 23 The UK government has said that they intend to 'up to double' their contribution to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, but will make the international health organisation wait for up to a year before confirming the increase. Early in 2011, some media stories misrepresented allegations of misuse of funds discovered in grants financed by the Global Fund in a number of countries. These incidents were in fact uncovered by the Global Fund's own Office of the Inspector General, which has been undertaking a thorough review of the Global Fund portfolio to identify areas of the Global Fund's grant oversight and risk management that need strengthening. Less than 5% of the Global Fund's grant portfolio was misused but at the time of the media reports the Global Fund was already experiencing funding problems and donors who were already going back on funding commitments now had an excuse to delay payments. In response to these articles some donors, despite having previously been informed of the problems, delayed their contributions. This cash-flow issue compounded the poor Global Fund Replenishment effort for the period 2011-13 (held in October 2010), which raised only $11.7 billion in pledges, well below the target of $20 billion and even below the low 'maintenance' level of $13 billion. As a consequence the Global Fund board cancelled Round 11 of new funding thereby putting on hold live-saving programmes + the next opportunity for countries to apply for new grants will be during the next replenishment period 2014-2016.

The UK government's Position Andrew Mitchell told the IDC enquiry that DFID will continue its funding of the fund and in fact will commit to a GBP 128 million in 2013, 2014 and 2015, working towards the previous Labour Government's commitment of GBP 1 billion to 2015. Beyond this he held out the possibility of a doubling in contribution from 2013 onwards. Great news. But the extra funding will be led by evidence that the Global Fund has made the necessary reforms.

May 25 John Crewdson, is joining the Project On Government Oversight (POGO) as a senior investigator.

May 31 Liam Scheff. Official Stories. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform 2012, 210 pp.

June Martin Barnes held an AIDS dissident conference in France. The issue topping his agenda was 'The HIV puzzle -- what is being measured?'

July 3 "Approval of the OraQuick In-Home HIV Test represents a major breakthrough in HIV testing, /CEO of OraSure Technologies/. "For the first time ever, individuals will have access to an in-home oral test that will empower them to learn their HIV status in the comfort of their home and obtain referral to care if needed. This new in-home rapid test-the same test doctors have used for years-will help individuals at risk for HIV who otherwise may not test in a professional or clinical setting." slightly more" than the $17.50 "Knowing your status is an important factor in the effort to prevent the spread of HIV," said Karen Midthun, MD, director of the FDA's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research. "The availability of a home-use HIV test kit provides another option for individuals to get tested so that they can seek medical care, if appropriate. "https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/obama testing! https://www.aidsmeds.com/articles/hiv_otc_test_1667_22643.shtml
FDA approves first rapid, take home HIV test https://www.usatoday.com/news/health/story/2012-07-03/fda-approves-hiv-home-tests/56002548/1

July 23 Hillary Clinton's only public event of the day was a speech to the 2012 International AIDS Conference said, "I've heard a few voices from people raising questions about America's commitment to an AIDS-free generation, wondering whether we are really serious about achieving it. Well, I am here today to make it absolutely clear: The United States is committed and will remain committed to achieving an AIDS-free generation. We will not back off, we will not back down, we will fight for the resources necessary to achieve this historic milestone. "If we're going to beat AIDS, we can't afford to avoid sensitive conversations, and we can't afford not to reach the people who are at the highest risk," she said. Clinton spoke about new U.S. funding totaling $150 million to fund programs dealing with some of those sensitive conversations.

She spoke about the feasibility of eliminating the transmission HIV from infected pregnant women to their babies by 2015 and how this can be achieved by getting mothers onto anti-AIDS drugs. Currently 370,000 women globally are being treated this way and PEPFAR's on target to reach an additional 1.5 million women by next year. The U.S. will provide an additional $80 million to bridge the gap so pregnant women who are identified as being HIV positive get the medical assistance they need. She also announced an additional $40 million in US funding to support efforts in South Africa to boost voluntary medical circumcisions for males.

Clinton cited statistics that show how women in Africa are an at-risk population for HIV. She said that in Sub-Saharan Africa today, women account for 60 percent of those living with HIV and that about 12 percent of female sex workers were HIV positive.

New strategies are needed to take advantage of scientific breakthroughs that promise to break the back of an AIDS epidemic that last year killed more than 4,000 people a day worldwide, U.S. and global officials said. In opening remarks yesterday at the International AIDS Conference in Washington, U.S. Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius led a parade of speakers with similar messages: The world needs to be more focused and efficient in getting therapies and preventatives to those in need. Financial commitment from developed countries is declining. We have a funding gap of $7 billion per year for HIV. This gap is killing people|| the emphasis on an epidemic endgame comes as the Obama Administration has said it plans to decrease funding for global AIDS programs in fiscal 2013. The U.S. isn't alone in taking such an action, said Michel Sidibe, of the United Nations organization, UNAIDS. HIV+-list swelled from 2,000 people to over 10,000-the highest under any president. Today, Obama is also seeking to cut $214 million from PEPFAR, [ https://www.poz.com/articles/hiv_treatment_guidelines_761_22162.shtml ]

Sept 20 Terry Michael Interviews of Dr. Robert Gallo

Nov Poppers are a recreational substance of abuse belonging to the alkyl nitrite family of compounds. In the United Kingdom, where they are legal to purchase but illegal to sell for human consumption, 10% of the general population have tried them. They are considered low risk to physical and mental health. [Eye; 2012, Vol. 26 Issue 11, p1479]
Dec 03 Google HQ hosted a free screening of "How To Survive A Plague" followed by a live panel discussion ...

Positively false - Birth of a Heresy, 90 min documentary by Meditel Productions Ltd https://positivelyfalsemovie.com/

Harden, V.A. AIDS at 30. 2012, 324 pages.


Jan public demonstration of Andrea Rossi‘s E-Cat in January 2011

Jan 28 The German group Bayer and three other labs will pay tens of millions of euros to hemophiliacs who accused them of having sold in the 1980s blood products contaminated with HIV, a source close to the deal told AFP. This is the outcome of a settlement that became effective late in 2010. The settlement prohibits the victims or their lawyers from speaking about the arrangement. The reason why there have been no reports is that the hemophiliacs and their lawyers were not allowed to talk about the settlement.www.cbsnews.com/news/bayer-admits-it-paid-millions-in-hiv-infection-cases-just-not-in-english/

Feb 22 Emery Taylor RIP (31) of KS; Charismatic HIV+ black gay dissident had impressed participants of RA2009

April 27 Karri Stokely (diagnosed HIV+ in 1996 and quited HAART in 2007) RIP [https://www.livingwithouthivdrugs.com/karri.htm]
May Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos to Brink: Crowe has destroyed the dissident movement, and you can quote me.

June 27 Funding of HIV/AIDS R&D to be terminated in 2012 (already cut to < €10M vs €25 million at its peak in the 1990s

Sep 11 Evans A., a gay liberationist and one of the main founders of the Gay Activists Alliance died. Author of the article on the danger of poppers to the gay community published, just after the first announcements of ‘GRID’ [Poppers - An ugly side of gay business. Pagan Press 1981].

Sep 12 Terry Michael, whom Crowe brought in as co-host on his "How Positive are You" radio show has withdrawn his "participation and support" from RA 2011 conference and from Rethinking AIDS altogether, and he is no longer co-hosting Crowe's radio show.

Nov Etienne de Harvene quits RA

Nov 15 Kim Marie Bannon-Barber, 48, certified court reporter, passed away; HIV+ since April 1992 (for 18 years), Kim was featured in the House of Numbers (film was shot in 2006 when Kim appeared healthy).

Nov 22 Lynn Margulis 73 (born Lynn Alexander, March 5 1938) died five days after suffering a hemorrhagic stroke

?Nov 25 (?) Gary Null and noted journalist Janine Roberts hold a press conference to expose the fraud behind the alleged discovery of the AIDS virus. [https://www.garynull.com/home/aids-fraud-1.html]

Nov 25-30 GFATM (Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB, and malaria), single largest donor for HIV funding & the world's largest financier of HIV-treatment, was forced to cancel the latest round of new grants for HIV programs. The Fund was unable to secure the minimum $13 billion necessary to fund programs & has stated that no new grants or funding will be issued until 2014 [ https://www.healthmap.org/news/gfatm-cuts-hiv-funding-sub-saharan-africa-carries-greatest-burden ] Obama administration had pledged $4 billion during 2011-13 to the Global Fund, or $1.33 billion per year but now is reneging on this pledge. For a government that spends $1.9 billion every single day on the military ($700 billion each year), unwillingness to follow through on $1.33 billion for a whole year to save millions of lives is a new depth of cynicism and recklessness [HUFFINGTON POST]

Dec 1 'UNAIDS states in its new report: Despite difficult financial times, 2011 was a game changing year for the AIDS response with unprecedented progress in science, political leadership and results, Particular achievements were made in the scale up in access to HIV treatment, with now nearly 50% of people who are eligible for antiretroviral therapy having access to lifesaving treatment. The report also shows that new HIV infections and AIDS-related deaths have fallen to the lowest levels since the peak of the epidemic. New HIV infections were reduced by 21% since 1997, and deaths from AIDS-related illnesses decreased by 21% since 2005. Declines in new HIV infections are being impelled by changes in sexual behaviour, particularly in young people, and it is said that HIV treatment is having a significant impact on reducing the number of new HIV infections. GFATM will not be able to finance new programs until 2014, because of a lack of contributions by donor countries. Also existing programs are in danger. This means a direct threat to the success of the AIDS-response in developing countries. The Global Fund is [www.stopaidsnow.org ]
On World AIDS Day, Barack Obama stated, "To the global community - we ask you to join us. Countries that have committed to the Global Fund need to give the money that they promised. Countries that haven't made a pledge, they need to do so." Germany, Japan ($340 million), Saudi Arabia ($25 million) and the Gates Foundation ($750 million) have all already pledged their support.

Dec 1-3 Rethinking AIDS RA2011 scheduled (Crowe) to be held in Washington was cancelled

The Science of Panic, an 80 min documentary by Isabel Otaduy Somme and Patrizia Monzani with Arantxa Martinez.


The Emperor's New Virus? (2011) is a follow-up documentary to House of Numbers focusing on the scientific evidence claimed to support the existence of HIV. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQFxratWh7E
Pepin, Jacques. The Origins of AIDS. Cambridge Uni Press 2011, 306 pp (orthodox)
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Образовательный портал Как узнать результаты егэ Стихи про летний лагерь 3агадки для детей

Образовательный портал Как узнать результаты егэ Стихи про летний лагерь 3агадки для детей